Monday, May 30, 2011

Viva la Messi!

Wow... I've been here about 2 days now and have a lot to cover!  Our 10 hour flight to Paris went by much faster than expected, and we barely made our connecting flight to Spain.  I sat next to a precious man named Xavier on the short flight to Barcelona, and got to get the down low on great local places to go, and insider details such as asking for the owner to come to your table at the restaurant "Mufins" because he's a magician.  He travels throughout the year to America for his candy company that he started, and he said he'd consider going to Texas next. :-)  Had really neat conversation about financial security/family/God "balance."  We definitely had different views, and I really look forward to hopefully more conversations like this with the people here.
Yesterday afternoon we went on the Fat Tire Bike Tour of Barcelona (company started by an Aggie!), which was absolutely incredible.  Highlights were Sagrada Familia, many cathedrals, a lot of Gaudi Architecture, and the beach.  

Later last night we went to watch Barcelona play Manchester United in the Champions League Final (REALLY big deal in the world of soccer) at crowded local pub called L'ovella Negra  (the black sheep) where people were going absolutely crazy.  Caught some footage of the reactions after Barcelona scored.  Barcelona won 3-1 and the city went NUTS... never seen anything like it before.  People hanging on lamp posts, setting of firecrackers and packed like sardines celebrating along the major street Las Ramblas.  Barcelona, Spain HAD to have been the most loud, chaotic place on planet earth the night of May 28.  (In case you were wondering about the title, Lionel Messi- FC Barcelona's forward whose a BEAST- scored in this game and was given huge credit for the big win!)

This was all fun and games until a crazy >3 hour adventure of being stranded in downtown Barcelona trying to find our way back to our university when the busses and certain train routes had been cancelled.  Will probably be able to look back and laugh, but at the time was a bit terrifying.  God definitely protected us and we finally made it in at around 3 AM safe and sound. 

Set my all time record for sleeping in (3:00 pm!) and had a very relaxing day (and by day I mean being up for 7 hours).  Kristina and I went on a run and explored the campus and refused to take the train into Barcelona for that day… enough adventure for one weekend for us. :-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And so it begins...

In less than an hour, I head out to Bush Intercontinental Airport and embark on an unknown journey that lies ahead of me in Barcelona, Spain... (okay sounding a little dramatic, I'm new at this blog thing and am clearly not an eloquent writer :-).  I've never used a blog before, but I'm really excited to have a way to not only document an incredible experience that God (and my parents... thanks!!) has allowed me to be a part of, but to share it with people I care about.  I'm taking 2 international business classes, and hopefully doing some traveling around Europe on some weekends!  Basically, I'm stoked.  And no idea what to expect.

Still definitely hasn't hit me yet that I will be in Europe for half of my summer. The past few days have been pretty busy getting everything together.  Last night got to spend a few hours with Preston during our one day overlap of getting to see each other between us both being out of the country.  (Our summers always do this... it's not nice.)  In the midst of last minute packing/details last night, we had some quality time with competitive ping pong packing break (I won again... when are you gonna step up your game sweetie? Totally kidding he usually wins), doing Harry Potter sorting hat impersonations, and learning about Preston's big regret of purchasing a tie-dye bunny with all of his stickers in first grade.  I literally have no idea how we got to these topics.  I'm going to miss him way too much, as well as family, friends, and other blessings here in Texas but I know this summer's going to be great and full of Him. :-)

Thanks for reading!  Talk to you from Europe next time :-)